Memorial Services

A memorial service is an opportunity for friends and family to pay their respects and commemorate someone that has died following a burial, cremation or unattended service.

Distinct from a funeral service, some people opt for a memorial service; a ceremony for the mourners to honour their loved one often at a later date giving you more time to carefully plan a meaningful ceremony.

 The venue of the memorial service will often dictate the type of service you will have. You may wish to hold your service at a private venue, your family home or a place of special significance to your loved one. Memorial services are seen as a celebration of a loved one’s life.

There are no legal requirements that you need to follow, no time restrictions and you can have a memorial service anywhere and anytime. A memorial service can take place outside, at night-time, on a weekday or at the weekend, it can be intimate or it can be a party! It could be held on their birthday, wedding day or to memorialise the day they died.

Memorial services are a very important time for the bereaved. As well as choosing a more personal location, a memorial service allows for the whole event to be inspired by your loved one’s life, the colours they loved, incorporating their favourite clothing, displaying their personal belongings, playing their favourite music, having a particular theme based on their personality.

And there are many ways to personalise a memorial service; a memory book, a photo board, memorial booklets, memorial cards, a collection of donations for a particular charity, a memorial tree with an engraved plaque, showing a video tribute, lighting candles, singing together or serving their favourite food and drink.

You might also like to set up an online memorial tribute page to give those unable to attend the opportunity to send their condolences and share their memories.

Working with you I can help you plan and organise a memorial service that is right for you, your family and your friends at a location of your choice, including the design of the ceremony and coordination on the day.